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Get To Know Me - The Mummy Tag

Hey hey hey everyone.

So I was mulling over what my first official blog post should be, and what better way than to give you a bit of an insight into my life as a mummy.
So here is the Mummy Tag avec Mellies Corner :).

1.    Are you a SAHM or working mum?

Currently a Stay At Home Mum.

2.    Would you have it any other way?

Currently no. It was quite important for me to be there while my baby was under 2yrs old/not in nursery.

3.    Do you co-sleep?

No. Bubba is actually quite good in his cot. If he's ill and won't settle then yes we co-sleep.

4.    One must have item for your baby?

Avent dummy - this has been our life saver. Will be interesting to see how we do weaning him off it (scary).

5.    How many kids do you plan on having?

If I was rich maybe 7 or 8, however I think 3 may be our limit lol.

6.    Date night? How many nights (or days) per month?

Oh how I love date night. How nice is it to dress up and be all romantic without the lil one around. Even though we talk about him most of the time. Thank you mum for allowing us to have them, we try to have a date night once a month.

7.    Your child’s favourite show?

Currently Raa Raa the noisy little lion, In the night garden and Sofia the first - she has the best songs! Oh, and also music channels our baby loves music!!

8.    Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and you never ended up using?

Baby sling. We used it twice and wish we had used it more when he was little.

9.    Your child’s fave food?

Rice, he lurvvves rice.

10.  How many cars does your family have?

We currently have 2.

11.  Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after, and now?

Weight weight weight ..... Let's just say I'm heavier now than I was before and during my pregnancy :(

12.  Dream vacation with your kiddos?

Jamaica - So many family members there, the beaches, the food. Both my boys would be very happy and fed bunnies.

13.  Dream vacation without the kiddos?

Venice, Turks & Caicos.

Turks & Caicos

14.  How has your life changed since your baby has been born?

Dramatically. I mean sometimes I can't imagine what I was doing before Cairo was here. He is the best thing to ever happen to me, has truly changed me for the better. So proud to be his mummy.
I've also learned and continue to learn a lot about myself.

15.  Finish the sentence: “It makes my heart melt to see…”

His little face when he wakes up. His smile. His love for his dad. His toes. His teeth. Just him.

16.  Where do you shop for your kids?

H&M, Next, George at Asda, good old Primark,

17.  Fave mummy make-up and skin care products?

Rimmel Royal Gloss the most amazing non sticky lipgloss ever!
Mac studio finish concealer I mean seriously, it just deals with those under eye situations so well.
I have recently changed my skin care products (will do a post about this soon) so currently I'm enjoying the Simple skin care range.

18.  Huggies or pampers?

Neither. Asda's Little Angels nappies are the best nappies we've used.

19.  Have you always wanted kids?

Yes always :)

20.  Best part about being a mum?

Loving someone more than you love yourself. I feel like my life now has purpose and so much substance. Getting to know your baby, hugging them, getting kisses, providing for them, educating them, watching them grow. It is the hardest job at times but the BEST thing I have ever experienced.

So there it is, the Mummy tag.
Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a lil better.

What do you feel is the best part about being a mum or dad?

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